Perkins Features:2015 2016 2018 2021B
EST consists of hardware and software PerkinsEST diagnostic adapters. Users can use this kit to communicate with Perkins 2300/2800 electronic engines (FGWilson300750kVA range) and FGWilsonPowerwizard control panels. This communication is established via the J1939 data link. In summary, the EST Interface Kit provides the user with an efficient tool for diagnosing engine faults and configuring system parameters.
Perkins EST Features:
1.Override PowerWizard Level 3 password configuration and/or change system parameters
2.Display, graph and record parameter status logs
3.Displays the status of a set of parameters (temperature, pressure, etc.) Views and clears active and logged diagnostic codes Views and clears active and logged event codes
4.Display, view or change the current configuration file or basic level flash file
Upload, download and save configuration files
5.View a list of abnormal conditions logged by the ECM (Engine Control Module) Perform diagnostic tests Perform calibration
6.Print reports and diagnostic results.
Operate System: Windows 7 64 bit/Windows10
Support Multi-Languages: English, Chinese, Danish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Interchange part number:
Communication Adapter USB Version Diagnostic Tool
Condition:New, replacement