How to do when your fuel injectors are clogged?

When the machine performance is not good as before, or you fill the oil tank more often than you used to, your machine may call you for a maintance or check. And one of the common causes is clogged fuel injector. Here are some tips for you to tell if your fuel injector is clogged.

1. Reduced machine engine performance

2.Take more fuel

3.Cannot start the engine

4. Poor emissions

You can test fuel injectors to determine if they are clogged. While, how to do when your fuel injectos are clogged?

1. Clean

If your fuel injectors are lightly clogged, with diesel fuel injection cleaner, you can clean fuel injectors easily.

2.Ask skilled technician for help.

If your fuel injectors are highly clogged, the first tip might not do the trick. You can ask a skilled technician to clean blockages for you. When fuel injectors are hard to clean or still performance not good after cleaning, we suggest you to replace new ones for your fuel injectors.

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